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Health Service List
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1. Paribāra parikalpanā sēbā .

2. Śiśu 0-5 bachara baẏasēra śiśu sēbā

3. Garbhabatī māẏēdēra sēbā

4. Prasūtī māẏēdēra sēbā

5. Prajanana sbāsthya sēbā

6. Ṭikā dāna karmasūcī

7. Sādhārana rōgī sēbā

8. Sbāsthya śikṣā sēbā

upa-sbāsthya kēndrē āgata nārī-puramnaṣa, br̥d'dha-yuba-śiśu sakalakē praẏōjanīẏa sbāsthya sēbā pradāna karā haẏa.

* ḍāẏariẏā rōgīdēra jan'ya ō'āra'ēsa sarabarāha karā haẏa.

* hāsapātālē āgata prasūti rōgīdēra ēnṭinēṭāla cēka'āpasaha praẏōjanīẏa upadēśa dēẏā haẏa ēbaṁ

āẏarana ṭyābalēṭa sarabarāha karā haẏa.

* jātīẏa yakṣmā ō kuṣṭha niẏantraṇa kāryakramēra ā'ōtāẏa yakṣmā rōgīdēra kapha parīÿāra jan'ya kapha kālēkaśana

karā haẏa ēbaṁ yakṣmā kuṣṭha rōgīdēra bināmūlyē auṣadha sarabarāha kara haẏa.

* śiśu ō mahilādēra ipi'ā'i kāryakramēra ā'ōtāẏa patiṣēdhaka ṭikā dēẏā haẏa

* upa-sbāsthya kēndrē āgata rōgīdēra sbāsthya, puṣṭi ō prajanana sbāsthya śiÿā dēẏā haẏa

*upa-sbāsthya kēndrē āgata kiśōra-kiśōrī ō saÿma dampatidēra madhyē prajanana sbāsthya ō paribāra

parikalpanā kāryakrama paricālanā karā haẏa.

* praẏōjanē rōgīkē upajēlā hāsapātālē rēphāra karā haẏa

* āgata rōgī ō tām̐dēra ātmīẏa-sbajanagaṇa sbāsthya sēbā samparkē praẏōjanīẏa parāmarśa ō upadēśēra jan'ya

sanśliṭa cikiṯsakagaṇēra sāthē sahajē'i yōgāyōga karatē pārēna.

* upa-sbāsthya kēndrē praẏōjanīẏa saṅkhyaka nōṭiśa bōrḍa sabāra dr̥ṣṭigōcara haẏa ēmana jāẏagāẏa sthāpita āchē.

nōṭiśa bōrḍē praẏōjanīẏa tathya lipibad'dha āchē.

* sarabarāha sāpēkṣē auṣadha samūha sēbākēndra hatē binā mūlyē pradāna karā haẏa. Tabē cikiṯsāra praẏōjanē

kōna kōna auṣadha kēndrēra bāhira hatē sēbā grahītākē kraẏa karatē hatē pārē.

* bōrḍē majuda auṣadhēra tālikā, prādanakr̥ta sēbāsamūhēra tālikā, sēbā pradānakārī cikiṯsakēra tālikā

ṭānānō āchē.

* sēbā grahītāra kartr̥bya-

sēbā pradānakārīgaṇa sēbā grahītāra nikaṭa hatē saujan'ya mūlaka ācaraṇa prāptira adhikāra rākhē

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1. Family planning services.

2. Children 0-5 year old child care

3. Services for pregnant mothers

4. Maternal services

5. Reproductive Health Services

. Vaccination Program

. General Patient Services

. Health Education Services

Necessary health services are provided to all women, men, old and young children coming to the sub-health center.

* ORS is provided for diarrhea patients.

* Maternity patients arriving at the hospital are given necessary advice including antenatal checkup and

Iron tablets are supplied.

* Cough collection for sputum examination of tuberculosis patients under National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Program

and free medicine is provided to TB leprosy patients.

* Children and women are vaccinated under the EPI program

* Health, nutrition and reproductive health education is provided to the patients coming to the sub-health center.

Reproductive health and family among adolescents and young couples visiting sub-health centers

Planning activities are managed.

* If necessary, the patient is referred to the Upazila Hospital

* Incoming patients and their relatives for necessary advice and counseling about health care

You can easily contact the concerned doctors.

* The required number of notice boards in the sub-health center are placed in a visible place.

Necessary information is written on the notice board.

* Subject to supply, medicines are provided free of cost from the service center. However, in need of treatment

The service recipient may have to purchase from outside the pharmacy.

* List of medicines on board, list of services provided, list of physicians providing services

There is a drag.

* Duties of the service recipient -

Service providers have the right to receive courtesy from the client

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